Ep: 44 Michelle Lee – Pioneering Australian’s Solo Ocean Rowing Adventure

Michelle Lee is an adventurer, speaker and mindset mentor who left corporate banking to pursue a life of extreme challenges. She is the first Australian woman to row any ocean solo and the first woman in the world to row the Pacific Ocean solo unassisted and without stopping. 

In 2019, she was named Australian Geographic’s Adventurer of the year – one of only five women to ever receive the accolade.

Michelle endured storms, sharks, solitude and exhaustion as she rowed for thousands of kilometres across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. She also experienced the beauty and wonder of nature, from dolphins and whales to sunsets and stars. She learned to appreciate every moment and every stroke.

Michelle has shown that anything is possible with passion, purpose and persistence. 

If you’re looking to be inspired and motivated to chase your goals, this is the episode for you.